PLEASE NOTE: You've arrived at this page because you've opted for the DIY, Self-guided version of the course which includes everything listed below. This version can ABSOLUTELY get you the results you're looking for if you fully commit, but if you're willing to invest a little more and would prefer to have more in depth coaching with me, CLICK HERE to schedule a call with me and we can talk about working together more closely. Otherwise, sign up for the DIY version using the form below. I PROMISE you (and guarantee) that if you commit yourself, we will change your life.

Thumbnail for a mental health blog post about how emotional healing is an art and requires practical tools and practice.

Contact Information:


Emotional Fitness Course – DIY Option (one time payment)
Emotional Fitness Course – DIY Option - 2 Monthly payments of $600.00 (partial payment)
Emotional Fitness Course – DIY Option - 3 Monthly payments of $400.00 (partial payment)


  • Emotional Fitness Course – DIY Option

    Emotional Fitness Course (Online Only).
  • Total

    USD $1,000.00


100% safe & secure

Feelings First Shadow Work

What you get

  • INSTANT LIFETIME ACCESS to the FULL 8 week program. (Approx 30 hours worth of training).

  • Direct feedback from me, personally, on your 8 Weekly Progress Reports.

  • Access to a stockpile of recorded Q&A's (100+ hours worth of deep dive bonus training).

  • 2 Guided Self-Hypnosis Audio Journeys for Deep Trauma Healing.

  • 10 Guided Meditation Tracks to aid you on your journey.

  • 5 Subliminal Programming Tracks to keep you in high vibrations.

  • $1k credit toward working with me - if you decide in the future you want to join the full program, you can use this as credit towards that enrollment.

Benjy Sherer Self Love and Shadow Work Course

This course comes with a FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Conditional only on you actually doing the work first. I take full responsibility if my methods don't work for you. I do NOT take responsibility if YOU don't do the work.

Conditions for the gurantee:

  • MUST complete the core material (8 module) within 12 weeks of joining the program.
  • MUST complete the 8 progress reports and demonstrate that you've completed the material.
  • MUST submit your request for a refund within 30 days of submitting your final progress report.

And that's it! Simple enough. Also, within reason... some leeway will be given if you're not EXACTLY within those timelines. I will treat you with kindness and respect, and if you do the work I want you to be satisfied.

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