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Self Love and Shadow Work Review

"I don't think it's possible to do everything Benjy laid out in this course and not come out of it a better person."

- Kelly

Get in for ONLY $97

My focus really is on getting this wisdom out there and helping as many people as possible.


So... Just in case money was the only thing standing in your way of taking this step towards healing your wounds, I'm offering you an EXTRA $100 off, RIGHT HERE ONLY!


You can get the first 3 weeks of the course AND all the bonuses WITH the 90 Day Guarantee for only $97!


No-one gains by you not doing the healing, so I'll gladly give this extra nudge to make it happen.


Ask yourself what it would feel like, how you would be different, how your life would be different, etc... if you were able to start living without fear, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and truly express and be YOURSELF!


Hope to see you in there!

Even MORE Client Testimonials...

Self Love and Shadow Work Review

Benjy helps you learn to build a foundation based upon unconditional love so that we have the ability to face our fears to face the traumas that we've endured. Which if you had told me six months ago I was going to go and face the things that scared me the most the traumas I endured throughout my life I would have laughed at you. I would have thought you were absolutely crazy because there was no way I was going to do that because... just, no.

Short 6 months later here I am and I can honestly say this little girl looked underneath the bed herself to see that the monsters really weren't there.

- Jessica

Self Love and Shadow Work Review

I started my journey with Benjy Sherer a few short weeks ago, and it has been nothing short of amazing! I have been searching for a long time for something like this. I didnt know it would come in this form I just knew there had to be something more I could be doing. The universe works in amazing ways including how a random message exchange allowed Benjy and I to connect. It has been unbelievable thus far!

The changes in my life that have begun to happen since starting this work are amazing! I know there is a long road ahead and many more things to learn and discover, but I needed to share just how wonderful the first steps have been! My personal and professional life look completely different already! And I have just barely gotten started.

- Mark

Self Love and Shadow Work Review

I am one of Benjy Sherer's clients. I came to Benjy a confused, depressed, angry, traumatized person. I have experienced amazing healing and transformation, things I never thought possible for myself! Benjy is a great coach and teacher and he will be there for you every step of the way. This program is great because your trauma deserves the commitment of a certain time period to be spent on it and a person like Benjy who will be spending personal time with you. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Love and light!

- Kristy

Self Love and Shadow Work Review

What I got out of Benjy's course was that I feel amazing, because not only do I now know I'm amazing, I actually FEEL it! I feel great about who I am. I do my best every day to love myself freely and purely without judgment unconditionally and I do my best to share that with every person that I need even if it's just a stranger I'm passing by on the street.

I will share my love freely & purely without judgment, unconditionally, as long as it doesn't affect my sense of self how I feel about me. If it doesn't feel good I don't do it. That doesn't mean I don't do things that I don't want to it just means I avoid putting myself in situations where I know what the likely outcome is that it's not going to be favorable for me.

- Jessie

Self Love and Shadow Work Review

What I got out of the experience was the emotional and life tools that I need to move forward and to not focus on my outside world but to focus more inwards so that I can handle any situation that comes my way. He teaches us not to think of anything we do as failure but an opportunity to grow. I have seen changes in myself and my husband has also seen changes in me and I feel like we have a better relationship for it. I have learned valuable information that I can’t find anywhere.

He has taught me to view challenges differently so that they don’t seem so painful and I’m actually learning lessons that I missed in my life up until this point. I find I’m treating myself more like a friend and am starting to accept myself and am finally starting to find my authentic self. I will continue using his tools for the rest of my life. I recommend Benjy and his course to anyone who finds themselves lost, confused and that nothing else is working.

- Abby

DISCLAIMER: All of these testimonials are 100% real. For privacy purposes, however, the pictures are not really of my clients.

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