Fear as Motivation.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about using fear as motivation for success.

Fear is Not the Best Motivator. The trauma response of fear is often used as our motivation for success. It can work for a while, but… Recently, I was having a discussion with a client who is FINALLY learning how to escape fear and live from a place of inner peace and self-love after a…

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Don’t Focus on Specific Trauma

Thumbnail for mental health blog post about how we shouldn't focus on specific trauma when healing emotional wounds.

You Don’t Heal ‘Specific Trauma’. Emotional trauma builds up collectively, not in neat little piles. Imagine that you had 10,000 people lined up to punch you in the arm. When the first person punches you, it doesn’t leave much of a mark. By the 10th person that punches you, you start developing a bruise. By…

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Emotional Healing is an Art.

Thumbnail for a mental health blog post about how emotional healing is an art and requires practical tools and practice.

Emotional Healing is an Art. All of the logic in the world won’t solve the problem until we learn this… I’ve been saying for years that emotional healing is NOT an intellectual activity.   Sure, our minds need to be involved in some way. There are some things we need to understand so that we…

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Holding in Emotions: How trauma gets stored.

Thumbnail for mental health blog bost about stored emotional energy from trauma & defense mechanisms.

What Happens When You Hold In Emotions? Emotional energy needs to be purged and processed. In so many ways, the body has everything it needs to heal, whether that be physically or emotionally. When it comes to emotions, the body has natural ways of dealing with emotional energy.   Crying, screaming, shaking, laughing, etc.… These…

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Fear vs. Discernment.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about how fear and discernment are different.

Fear Vs. Discernment. The actual emotion of fear doesn’t help us navigate the danger in our lives.  At the core of my work helping people master their emotions so that they can enjoy life to its fullest, there are a few core concepts, which, in many ways, are actually the same thing.     We…

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Stop Trying to ‘Silence the Mind’.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about inner peace and meditation for a silent mind.

Stop Trying to ‘Silence the Mind’. There’s a paradox with trying to ‘silence the mind’ in order to obtain inner peace. Many of us have become convinced through high-end, esoteric spiritual ideas that the goal of meditation is to ‘silence the mind’ or to be able to ‘focus on nothing at all,’ but that’s not…

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Time Alone Doesn’t Heal.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about how time alone doesn't heal emotional pain.

Time Alone Doesn’t Heal. Healing trauma, anxiety, depression etc… certainly takes some time. But you can’t just wait it out to heal on its own. We’ve all heard the expression that “time heals all wounds.”   While there is some truth in that statement, I think there’s also a falsehood that leads people very far…

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The Pool of Unresolved Emotions

Thumbnail for mental health blog post about how emotional trauma gets stored as a whole.

The Pool of Unresolved Emotions Emotional trauma blends together over time. Very often, people come to me asking how they can resolve the trauma caused by a handful of very specific events that happened in their lives. They believe – possibly due to misconceptions of a traditional talk therapy approach to inner healing – that…

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Self-Loathing Gets Us Nowhere

Thumbnail for anxiety and PTSD mental health blog post about perfectionism and self-loathing.

Self-Loathing Gets Us Nowhere. High expectations, perfectionism, and the urge to stuff away the uncomfortable parts of ourselves… Do you ever find yourself getting mad at your bad habits or uncomfortable emotions?   Maybe you have a negative thought. Some judgment about someone you love, for example, and you know that’s not the way you…

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Anxiety Isn’t a ‘Curse’.

Thumbnail for mental health blog post about how anxiety is not tied into curses and magic.

Anxiety Isn’t a ‘Curse’. Sometimes it can be good to bring spirituality into our healing. But… Not always… If I were to say to you that anxiety ‘isn’t a curse’, your first interpretation might be that I’m saying that it’s not really all that bad or that maybe it has some positive elements to it.…

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