Anxiety coach Benjy Sherer empowering clients to achieve lasting calm and confidence.

Guaranteed Stress and Anxiety Relief.

Transform your constant fear into a life of self-love, inner peace and fearless self-confidence, without spending years in a therapist's office ruminating over your past. 

From anxious to inner-peace in record timing.

As a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer, I give my clients the practical skills and tools that decades of therapy never gave them so that they can learn to feel safe in their hearts, minds and bodies, even through life’s biggest challenges.


We learn how to turn our moments of emotional distress into moments of strengthening and healing so that we can eliminate the fear that is at the root of our trauma and emotional distress once and for all!

Benjy Sherer, coach for anxiety relief, sharing insights on overcoming trauma-induced anxiety.

Benefits of Emotional Fitness Training

Mix of image and text describing the benefits of Benjy Sherer's Guaranteed Anxiety Relief and Emotional Fitness program.
Text describing the before and after transformation of the Guaranteed Anxiety Relief Program.
Before and after look at a woman who suffered with anxiety and then went through the Guaranteed Anxiety Relief program.
A man meditating in the woods to deal with his stress and anxiety from a stressful job.

Emotional Fitness Training is suitable for anyone looking for permanent stress and anxiety relief, even if they have been diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder, Clinical Depression, or PTSD.  


There are countless ‘anxiety relief tips’ out there, but things like breathing exercises, meditation, tapping, and positive thinking are really only coping mechanisms. They provide minimal, short term relief when you’re triggered, but they don’t prevent you from getting triggered again in the future, leading to a constant back and forth cycle and—ultimately—a feeling of hopelessness. In other words, none of them is truly an anxiety cure.

Even traditional talk therapy is usually ineffective. You go in, week after week, ruminating over your pain and trauma (which only makes things worse), jumping from dilemma to dilemma with little to no structure or direction, barely getting any useful tools that actually keep you stable in the long term. You can go to therapy for years and still feel stuck.


If you want to truly learn how to escape this state of perpetual fear and worry  once and for all and you’re sick of supposed 'remedies’ that only provide temporary relief, hit the button below and let me show you a better way. One that is GUARANTEED to work, or your money back.

A woman looking up at the sky and smiling feeling exhiliration, contentment, inner-peace and self-love.
A man meditating in the woods to deal with his stress and anxiety from a stressful job.

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