Anxiety expert Benjy Sherer providing practical strategies for stress and anxiety relief.

A foolproof approach taken from decades of personal experience.

When all other therapies and approaches failed, I had to find my own way out of the storm.

I know exactly what it’s like to live in a constant state of fear and despair.

Unlike most therapists who have merely studied anxiety…


I’ve lived it.


And escaped it!


The turning feeling in the pit of your stomach and the tightness in your chest, making it hard to eat or sleep or focus on anything at all. The constant overthinking in your mind, calculating and recalculating all of the ways that things can possibly go wrong. The overarching sense of impending doom that follows you around wherever you go, preventing you from ever fully enjoying anything…


It’s pure torture that I wouldn’t wish on anyone and I have devoted my life to helping people climb out of that pit.

Silhouette of a man in nature looking at the sky feeling relaxed and free from stress, fear and anxiety.

How I started this work…

Benjy Sherer, anxiety and trauma specialist, helping clients conquer chronic anxiety.

In 2017,

my lifelong struggle with anxiety and depression got so bad that I couldn’t focus on anything anymore and I slipped into a state of genuine suicidal ideation. I thought there was no way back to the bright, enthusiastic, passionate version of myself I once knew.


When all of the ‘standard approaches’ like therapy, medication and meditation failed me, I started following my own inner guidance to discover - through deep personal introspection - things about anxiety and my emotional struggles that no-one ever taught me.


Then, I simply started sharing my journey and my revelations, and the more I did… the more it became clear that I genuinely had unique insight and wisdom that people desperately needed.


I have since spent the last 6 years refining and perfecting the methods I use to lead my clients out of their anxiety for good and I am now so confident in my approach that I offer a money-back guarantee and not a single person has ever asked for it.

My life’s mission:

The approach that I teach isn’t something that I studied from a book and am regurgitating to others. It is the most authentic expression of the deepest parts of my soul and my lived experience. It is the culmination of the unique wisdom and skills that I developed over a lifetime of working through my own pain and it is very simply my gift and my calling to be able to teach people the essential emotional life skills that the world never gave them.


My mission is not only to help you escape your anxiety, but to show you how to live as confidently, authentically and purposefully as I have learned to.


I can promise you that every day spent before doing this healing is a wasted day compared to what’s on the other side.

Anxiety coach Benjy Sherer teaching mindfulness and emotional fitness techniques.