Faith’s Role in Mental Health.

Thumbnail for mental health, shadow work and emotional fitness blog post about the role of faith and spiritual awakening.

Faith, Spiritual Awakening, and Mental Health. Emotional fitness should be approached from a grounded point of view, but faith and spirituality often has a role to play. Odd as it sometimes sounds to say these days, it is, in fact, a spiritual awakening that brought me to the work that I’m doing now. I certainly…

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2 Rules for Developing Compassion

Hands holding a felt heart to denote compassion, forgiveness and patience for the sake of our own self-love and inner-peace.

2 Rules for Developing Compassion. Compassion and patience isn’t just for the benefit of others. It’s for our own self-love and inner peace to be kind. 2 very important things everyone needs to understand on this journey, in order to develop true compassion and unconditional love (for yourself and others).     1 – It…

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Does Everything Happen For a Reason?

Thumbnail for anxiety, stress and mental health blog post about whether or not everything happens for a reason (destiny).

Does Everything Happen for a Reason? Whether it was destiny or an opportunity to learn a life lesson will depend on your perspective. As most of you know by now, it is in fact a spiritual awakening that brought me to the work I’m doing. And from that perspective, there are reasons why I might…

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Therapists Should Have Personal Experience.

Thumbnail for anxiety, stress & PTSD mental health blog post about the important for a therapist to have personal experience.

Therapists Should Have Personal Experience. Anxiety and depression can’t be understood by reading about them. If you’ve never felt them, you won’t truly ‘get it’. Even for those with the best of intentions and many years of academic study and training, many therapists, counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists are missing one very crucial element when it…

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Why You Cry But Don’t Heal.

Thumbnail for anxiety, stress and trauma mental health blog post about why crying from fear doesn't heal emotional wounds.

Why You Cry But Don’t Heal. Crying is a great way to release emotional energy. So, why do some people cry a lot and still feel tortured? The body has natural ways of dealing with emotional energy. We naturally cry, scream, shake, laugh, etc., as a way of processing the emotions moving through us at…

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Found Your Trauma… Now What?

Thumbnail for depression and PTSD mental health blog post about healing repressed childhood trauma with talk therapy.

Found Your Trauma… Now What? You can heal repressed childhood trauma without actually hunting it down directly. One of my biggest frustrations with certain therapists’ approach to traditional talk therapy, or methods like EMDR that focus on processing trauma via memories, is that they often don’t take the time to build up your strength and…

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Emotions are just an experience.

Thumbnail for stress, trauma and anxiety mental health blog post about understanding the nature of emotions for self-love.

Emotions Are Just An Experience. There are only 3 things we can experience: Thoughts, Emotions and sensations… and we hardly ever think about any of them. Emotions are a weird, intangible kind of thing that it’s really hard to put our finger on… Even harder to put words onto them and really understand them.  …

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Can’t Run From Anxiety and Trauma.

Thumbnail for anxiety and PTSD mental health blog post about how we can't run from emotional pain and repressed trauma.

Can’t Run From Anxiety and Trauma. What happens when you’ve become afraid of emotional pain that you can’t escape? You stay in fear all the time. Imagine that you were literally afraid of your shadow.   You would be in fear every moment of every day because you literally can’t run from it. It’s there……

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Ingredients of Inner-Peace

Thumbnail for stress, trauma and anxiety emotional fitness blog post about how to attain inner peace without meditation.

3 Ingredients of Inner-Peace. Inner-peace and self-love go hand in hand. They are often vague, but are practical and acheivable goals. When you hear the term ‘inner peace’, what comes to mind?     I think that, for many of us, it brings up this weird, esoteric, deeply spiritual conception about enlightenment that would require…

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Seeking Vindication and Approval.

Thumbnail for self-love and inner-peace emotional fitness blog post about why seek approval from others to soothe our trauma.

Seeking Approval and Understanding. It can be really triggering when someone doesn’t understand the real us. But why does that bother us so much? Oftentimes, when people look down on you, judge you, or fail to understand you in any way, you might be thinking that you want vindication… that you need them to understand…

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