What is ‘Mindfulness’?

Thumbnail for mental health blog post about self-awareness and mindfulness for anxiety.

What is Mindfulness? Shifting out focus from the experiencer to the observer. The concept of mindfulness is very popular these days. And that’s wonderful! It is truly at the core of how we start to escape our old cycles and pain. It is the starting point. But what does ‘mindfulness’ really refer to?   There…

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Stop Fighting the Emotions!

Thumbnail for anxiety and PTSD mental health blog post about resisting our trauma and unresolved emotional energy.

Stop Fighting the Emotions. The discomfort that comes with processing old trauma is better than the discomfort of holding onto it.   Even uncomfortable emotions are completely normal and serve a purpose. There’s no escaping an overall fluctuation of emotions in your life. Sometimes, we find ourselves feeling down, lethargic, angry, or frustrated. In these…

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Some Relationships SHOULD End.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about ending toxic relationships.

Some Relationships SHOULD End. Loyalty is a beautiful thing. But sometimes, self-love means knowing when it’s time to walk away. If properly expressing yourself and setting up healthy boundaries makes the relationship unmanageable, then it simply means that this relationship has run its course.     As much as we want to fight for certain…

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Stop Trying to Heal Specific ‘Shadows’.

Thumbnail for mental health blog post about anxiety, trauma healing and shadow work.

Stop Trying to Heal Specific ‘Shadows’. Rather than focusing on specific triggers, focus on what the trigger feels like. I’m an admin in a shadow work group where—every once in a while—I’ll see people asking a question like “How do I heal my shadow around needing validation?” or “How do I heal my shadow around…

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What is the FEAR response?

Thumbnail for stress and PTSD emotional fitness blog post about the real nature of fear and defense mechanisms.

What is FEAR? Emotional healing becomes confusing when we start mixing up emotions and logic. We’ve probably all heard the saying, at one point, that FEAR actually means ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’, and while that’s a nice sentiment that’s pointing out the legitimate issue that the things that we are afraid of ultimately aren’t as…

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Mental Health Diagnoses are Unique.

Thumbnail for stress and anxiety emotional fitness blog post about how a mental health diagnosis is unique from physical illnesses.

A Mental Health Diagnosis is Unique. Things Generalized Anxiety Disorder and PTSD are diagnosed differently than physical health issues. There’s a notable and significant difference between a mental health diagnosis and a physical health diagnosis, and understanding this distinction is important because it shapes how we perceive and address these mental health issues.    …

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Emotional Healing Happens in the Moment.

Thumbnail for PTSD and anxiety disorder mental health blog post about how emotional healing happens in the present moment.

Emotional Healing Happens in the Moment. It’s true that past trauma caused your current triggers and defense mechanisms, but you can’t heal the past directly. When it comes to emotional healing, most people think that we need to dig deep into our past and unearth every painful memory in order to heal. They think that…

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The Real Source of Burnout.

Thumbnail for stress and exhaustion emotional fitness blog post about the real source of burnout and career fatigue.

The Real Source of Burnout. Career exhaustion and fatigue isn’t just about the amount of hours you’re working. When we think about burnout, the first thing that often comes to mind is the sheer number of hours we spend working. We’ve been conditioned to believe that working “too much” is the root cause of burnout.…

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The Fear of Processing Trauma

Thumbnail for stress and PTSD emotional fitness blog post about the paradoxical fear of facing and processing our trauma.

The Fear of Processing Trauma. The body has natural ways of releasing trauma and emotional pain, but we’ve become afraid of that process. Imagine that when you were young, you had a prankster uncle who convinced you that if you burp, you will die. He told you that the feeling of pressure building up inside…

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Spirituality Isn’t All ‘Spiritual’.

Thumbnail for anxiety and trauma mental health blog post about the practical side of spirituality & it's role in inner-peace.

Spirituality Isn’t All ‘Spiritual’. There’s a practical element to what ‘spirituality’ is that is real and important even for atheists. What do you think of when you hear the word ‘spirituality’?   For most of us, it brings us to thoughts of the esoteric, metaphysical and mystical aspects of life. The things that go beyond…

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