The Challenge of Authentic Self-Expression.

As you express yourself more fully, you'll attract both praise and criticism for speaking your truth. Speak it anyway.

Almost every single day, someone reaches out to tell me about the impact I’m having on them, immensely grateful and appreciative for the work I’m doing. Whether it’s someone from my course and coaching who is managing to turn the tools I’ve taught them into a brand new life, or someone I’ve never interacted with directly because they’ve read my books, watched my videos, done my 5-day challenge, etc… I am constantly getting reminders of the power of my words and teachings.



(And… thank you, by the way, for all of that. It is immensely meaningful, and I do need those reminders from time to time to keep me going strong in my mission and purpose here).



But simultaneously… Almost every single day, I have people rudely commenting on my videos, posts, ads or wherever, calling me a fraud, a scam artist, a snake oil salesman… accusing me of trying to take advantage of people who are suffering… having no clue what it’s like to suffer from anxiety or depression because they don’t agree with my particular experience of it, understanding of it, or assessment of it.



Interestingly, it is ALWAYS the people who don’t fully take the time to listen to me who accuse me of that. It’s always the people who just saw a headline… who read one or two sentences and had a triggered response who accuse me of these things. Hardly anyone who ever takes the time to really hear me out will say that because they see my even-handed approach and my wisdom.



Point being, the more authentic you become… the more you find your true self and choose to express it, the more you will draw out these two extremes. People will love you or hate you for it. Your light will shine bright on those who seek it and will irritate those who are still resistant.



But that leaves you with two choices.



Do you shine? Do you let your authentic self out and gravitate to those people who need you and appreciate you and respect you while building the strength and muscle to stay firm and confident when dealing with those who would prefer that you just dimmed yourself and kept your mouth shut?



Or do you keep wearing a mask? Stay in the middle lane, avoid rocking the boat because - despite feeling unfulfilled by not being your truest self - you’re too afraid to face the criticism of the ignorant and disrespectful people who aren’t even taking the full time to get to know you but feel justified in criticizing and attacking you anyway?



I’ll tell you…



It takes a lot of strength, skill, training, and practice to develop the emotional muscles that you will need to find and become your true self, and to rise to the challenge of expressing the core of who you are for the benefit of this world. You must heal yourself FIRST, before you can really be of service to anyone else, because your defense mechanisms will get in the way of you doing what needs to be done and saying what needs to be said.



For one reason or another, a common theme amongst my clients is the urge to be of service to the world in one way or another.



If that’s you. And if you feel yourself holding back because the idea of shining your truest light in the face of criticism from trolls still scares you… I’m here to help.



It will require dedication and commitment. We’ll have to push through the discomfort. But it’s a hell of a lot better than living the rest of your life in that middle lane, hiding away from the critics… but ultimately, also… from yourself.



Haters gon’ hate… right?



But is that going to stop you?

Tags: #self-love, #self-expression, #emotional-fitness, #confidence

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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Feelings First Shadow Work. A book by Benjy Sherer providing a simple approach to self love and emotional mastery (with journal prompots).

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