The Real Source of Burnout.

Career exhaustion and fatigue isn't just about the amount of hours you're working.

When we think about burnout, the first thing that often comes to mind is the sheer number of hours we spend working. We’ve been conditioned to believe that working “too much” is the root cause of burnout. But what if I told you that burnout doesn’t come from the number of hours you’re putting in, but rather from the lack of fulfillment and purpose in the work you do?


Let’s start by dispelling the myth that burnout is purely a function of hours worked.


Yes, physical exhaustion can certainly contribute to feelings of burnout, but it’s not the main culprit.


Think about the times when you’ve been so engrossed in a project that hours flew by without you even noticing. You might have been tired, but you weren’t burnt out. Why? Because you were engaged, passionate, and driven by a sense of purpose.


Burnout, at its core, is an emotional and psychological state. It arises when there’s a disconnect between what you’re doing and how you feel about it. When you’re stuck in a cycle of work that doesn’t resonate with your values or passions, every task feels like a chore. Even a few hours of such work can leave you feeling drained and defeated. It’s not the quantity of work that’s wearing you down; it’s the quality of your emotional and mental engagement with that work.


On the other hand, when you’re working on something you love, something that aligns with your deepest values and passions, the concept of “too much” work becomes almost irrelevant. Sure, you still need rest and a healthy work-life balance, but your work energizes you rather than depletes you. You find joy in the process, satisfaction in the accomplishments, and a profound sense of fulfillment that carries you through even the longest of days.


It’s important to acknowledge that feeling fulfilled in your work doesn’t mean you should ignore the need for balance. No matter how passionate you are about your work, your body and mind still require rest and rejuvenation. Overworking, even in a field you love, can lead to physical exhaustion and diminish your productivity and creativity over time. The goal is to integrate your passion into a balanced life where work and personal time coexist harmoniously.


So, how do you find that sense of fulfillment and avoid burnout?


Start by examining the work you do and how it aligns with your values and passions. Are you in a role that feels meaningful to you? Do you see the impact of your efforts, and does that impact resonate with your personal mission? If the answer is no, it might be time to consider a shift. This doesn’t necessarily mean changing careers; sometimes, it’s about finding new ways to bring more of yourself into your current role.


Additionally, it’s crucial to cultivate a mindset that prioritizes purpose over productivity. Instead of measuring your success by the number of hours you work, measure it by the satisfaction and fulfillment you derive from your work. Set boundaries that protect your time and energy, and ensure that you’re dedicating enough time to rest and recharge.


Remember, burnout is not a badge of honor or a sign of hard work; it’s a signal that something is out of alignment.


By focusing on finding fulfillment and purpose in what you do, you can transform your work from a source of stress into a source of inspiration and joy. It’s about working smart, not just hard, and ensuring that your work nourishes your soul as much as it challenges your mind.


In the end, it’s not about how much you work, but how meaningful that work is to you. Embrace your passions, find your purpose, and let that be the guiding force that keeps burnout at bay.

Tags: #burnout, #stress, #career-fatigue, #overworked.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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