Physiotherapy vs. Cancer Treatment

Emotional Wellness is About Rebuilding Muscles.

To me, emotional healing is more akin to physiotherapy than it is to treating cancer. It's not that there's something wrong and toxic inside of you that needs to be treated and removed. It's more like you sprained your ankle a long time ago, and in order to keep walking (because you needed to soldier through in your life) you started walking poorly, compensating with the wrong muscles to avoid having to put weight onto the muscles and tendons that were injured.


Over time, this new unhealthy way of walking became your norm. The muscles that should have been used in order to keep you walking properly began to atrophy, and the new way that you were walking was doing more and more damage with every step that you took. But you never noticed it because, well... at least you were managing to walk every day... and you just dealt with the pain, telling yourself it was a normal part of life because you forget what walking pain free actually felt like.


Emotional healing is about starting to reactivate the old muscles and reprogramming the way you're walking. You've developed an entire identity, personality, and set of beliefs around the defense mechanisms that you've used to keep yourself safe. Even the feeling of yourself as being a failure is an ironic outcome of certain defense mechanisms that you developed.


You believe that thinking negatively about yourself protects you from judgment from others. You believe that being hard on yourself is how you will eventually succeed. You believe that if you allow yourself to feel good about yourself and about life for a moment and let your guard down to actually enjoy it, that it will make you vulnerable and that something bad will happen. You believe that you need to be on guard every moment of every day in order to protect yourself, but being on guard every day has drained your energy and your confidence such that you live a life where you are never as safe and happy as you could be.


We don't need to analyze where all of this comes from. We don't need to focus on the what caused the injury in the first place. We just need to start showing you how to walk properly again. And we need to start small and build our way up, because you don't currently have the muscles to run a marathon.


So, we start by building a set of skills and tools that you start implementing on a daily basis in order to better handle your thoughts, your emotions and your sensations... we show you how to stop blaming yourself and judging yourself for everything... we show you how to see past the illusion of all of the false beliefs you've built up over a lifetime... and then you start practicing and implementing them, building the strength and muscle to deal with heavier and heavier unresolved emotional weights, naturally working our way down back to the core version of yourself that you left behind a long time ago.


It's not 'easy'. But it's simple. And it's absolutely doable.

Tags: #Emotional-fitness, #trauma, #inner-healing, #defense-mechanisms.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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