5 Steps to Healing Trauma and Anxiety.

The journey to emotional mastery doesn't have to be complicated or take forever.

The full healing journey that we are on, which will bring us to the ultimate self-love, confidence, compassion, patience, and strength, requires a lot of learning and perspective. We need to be able to see ourselves from an observer’s perspective to escape certain subconscious patterns that have been controlling our lives.



That being said, there are a few core steps that—if we simply master these things—will build a massive foundation that can greatly improve every area of our lives and guide us to the rest of the realizations and lessons that we will need to learn along the way.



The first concept that we need to understand in order to start implementing these steps is the main subconscious cycle that—if you’re reading this—you’ve probably heard me speak about at least once or twice, which is the ongoing manipulation happening between the three elements of our experience of reality: our thoughts, our emotions, and our sensations.



These three elements are, in fact, completely separate experiences that have nothing to do with one another. Yet, because we don’t notice that they are separate, they manipulate each other every moment of every day. We tend to experience them as one jumbled mess.



We need to separate these elements and learn how to handle each one individually.



Therefore, the five core steps that we need to master are:



1 - Dealing with the surface-level ‘sensations’ of our body.


Here, we are talking about the stress response that we are almost always in as a result of fear (which stems from unresolved emotional wounds). Our body is constantly in a state of fight or flight (more than we realize) and we need to start showing our body that we are safe to let our guard down.


2 - Dealing with our thoughts (in particular, our negative thoughts).


Our minds are always telling us certain negative and self-harming stories of why we are stuck or in pain. We are constantly adding narratives and logic to our patterns and pains, and until we learn how to handle those thoughts without buying into them, we will continue to stay stuck.


3 - Navigating our emotional storms.


The fact of the matter is that our emotions will always be going up and down to some degree, and if we allow a moment of feeling down to lead us back into our thoughts or into a stress response, this cycle will continue endlessly.


4 - Finding and relaxing into the uncomfortable ‘energetic sensations’ in our body.


Here, I’m referring to the discomfort that comes along with emotional distress. Things like the turning feeling in our stomach or the tightness in our chest. If we allow those sensations to move us into fear or thoughts, then—again—the cycle will continue.


5 - Releasing unresolved emotional energy.


Once we have those first four steps in place, then we can actively help our bodies release the energy that it’s trying to process in moments of emotional distress without falling back into old patterns.


When we put all of those pieces of the puzzle together, we can learn how to turn any moment of emotional distress into the moment of healing and strengthening that it is meant to be.



If you’d like to learn how to accomplish these five core steps, I’ve put together a course to help you achieve that. In only 3.5 hours (spread over five days), you will learn skills that you will use every day for the rest of your life to handle any challenge this world throws at you.



Here is what one recent student of the course had to say:



“It has literally changed my life… I no longer have panic attacks, my thoughts are much clearer, the uncomfortable sensations have completely disappeared, and I’m able to focus on what’s happening in the here and now.”



Honestly, if you’re following along with these posts and appreciating my wisdom but you haven’t signed up for this course… you are seriously missing out.



Check it out. I promise you, it will change your life if you commit to it.



Tags: #gratitude, #mindfulness, #anxiety-tips, #self-talk.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

Enjoying these posts? You’ll LOVE my book! Click below to check it out on Amazon. (Also available as Audiobook)

Feelings First Shadow Work. A book by Benjy Sherer providing a simple approach to self love and emotional mastery (with journal prompots).

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