3 Ingredients of Inner-Peace.

Inner-peace and self-love go hand in hand. They are often vague, but are practical and acheivable goals.

When you hear the term ‘inner peace’, what comes to mind?



I think that, for many of us, it brings up this weird, esoteric, deeply spiritual conception about enlightenment that would require decades' worth of meditation to achieve; if it is, at all, real, and not just some myth or legend.



But inner peace is actually a far more practical concept. It’s not about reaching beyond your human form to something outside of you… it’s actually just about learning to feel fully calm within your human experience. If you can feel fully comfortable with yourself and the world around you, then… BOOM. You have inner peace.



And towards that end, I think that...


There are 3 very simple and straightforward ingredients that are required to attain this inner-peace.



1 - Inner alignment: This means not holding contradictory beliefs all at the same time. If one part of you wants to go left while another part of you wants to go right, you will always be at war within yourself. There will never be peace. But if you are fully in alignment with yourself (if all parts of your being are aimed in the same direction), then there is no inner conflict and you can be at peace.



2 - A sense of safety. This one definitely requires a lot, because you want to feel safe in various ways. Safe physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc… But the irony is that even when you may not be entirely safe in all of those realms, it is indeed still possible to FEEL safe. And that (I think) is where spirituality comes into play a bit. A belief in something larger and in your overall purpose and journey can help you feel safe in this world even when there are legitimate threats to some element of your safety. But that’s just the cherry on top. We want to develop the emotional skills to feel safe in our lives, and then add some spirituality as the cherry on top.



3 - A clean conscience. This one becomes a little tricky because there are a lot of nuances to it. It’s not only about how you treat other people, it’s also about how you treat yourself. And it’s not only about the big acts of cruelty, but also about the little acts of betrayal and (in particular) self-betrayal. So, we need to have a finely tuned dial to identify the subtle ways that we are often creating problems for our inner conscience.



But as tricky as these things may sometimes be, they are, in fact, achievable. And when you have those 3 things… you will have inner peace. It is doable!



And that is exactly what I’m here to help you achieve.



The work we do in my emotional fitness program is aimed at getting us those 3 things.


We learn how to get our heads, hearts, and guts aimed in the same direction. We work on overcoming fear in all of its forms. And we work on maintaining the emotional fortitude to respond to all of life’s challenges in a way that is fully in alignment with our conscience.



THEN… we work on harnessing that inner peace to lead us towards the life we want to live.



I know it sounds a bit cheesy when I word it like that… but ultimately… That's what we get. Inner peace. Authenticity. Personal success, in whatever form that may take for you.



If that’s what you’re looking for, reach out. I’m here to help.



Best and love,




Tags: #inner-peace, #self-love, #zen-monks, #spirituality.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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Feelings First Shadow Work. A book by Benjy Sherer providing a simple approach to self love and emotional mastery (with journal prompots).

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