Anxiety Isn't a 'Curse'.

Sometimes it can be good to bring spirituality into our healing. But... Not always...

If I were to say to you that anxiety 'isn't a curse’, your first interpretation might be that I’m saying that it’s not really all that bad or that maybe it has some positive elements to it. But no… that’s not at all what I’m saying.


In that sense, anxiety is absolutely a curse. It gets in the way of every aspect of our lives. It feels torturous. It is very painful and not something that I would wish on anyone.


No… When I say it’s ‘not a curse’, I mean that quite literally. As in, the source of your anxiety isn’t black magic, or demons or some ethereal curse put on your head.


I was on the phone recently with a woman who was reasonably convinced that her anxiety was caused by her mother performing black magic rituals on her. And I can promise you, that’s not the case.


First, let’s get it super clear that if you believe this, it is 100% a story that you are telling yourself in your head that you have absolutely no evidence for.


Even if you know that someone who believes in that kind of magic is indeed performing rituals against you, there are only 2 things that you know for certain.


The first is that you have anxiety and you are suffering.


The second is that you know someone who believes in magic, has something against you, and is - in accordance with their own beliefs - doing something with malicious intent towards you.


However, the connection between those two facts has absolutely no evidence behind it and the only reason you are allowing yourself to buy into it is because you don’t understand the actual source of your anxiety and it ‘comforts’ you (in some sense) to find a reason for it that is not your fault.


The problem with this belief, however, is that it will keep you in a victim mentality, thinking that there’s nothing you can ever do (other than hiring some other magic practitioner) to remove this curse for you.


In fact, this woman told me that some magic practitioner online wanted to charge her $5,000 to perform anti-anxiety magic to counteract what her mom was doing and that really upset me. It gives a really bad name for anyone who promises to be able to help, and I can assure you that - other than the placebo effect - paying this kind of person will absolutely not resolve your anxiety, certainly not in the long run. You’d always be a slave to having someone else ‘clear your energy’ or whatever.


The way I got through to this woman was to explain this:


Even if you believe in magic and curses, the only REAL curse is your own lack of self love.


In the event that magic and curses have any sort of reality, they would operate at the frequency of fear. That’s where those energies fall on the ‘scale of consciousness’.


And if you were simply to escape your own fear and learn to live in a genuine place of self love, then no curse, black magic, spirit or demon or anything like that could ever touch you.


If you operate at the frequency of love, then nothing that operates at the frequency of fear can affect you.


So, even if someone is performing magic against you, your job is to eliminate fear within you, and once you do so, you will be free from anxiety regardless of whether or not these people continue to perform their own dark rituals.


At the end of the day, anxiety is ALWAYS caused by fear,


and you are simply letting the fact that someone is being spiritually malicious towards you fuel the fear that is actually at the root of your anxiety.


I promise you… the ability to escape anxiety is within your control… so long as you have the right skills, tools and guidance to work through it. And that’s what I’m here to help with.


If you want to escape your anxiety for good, reach out. I’m here to help.


Best and love,



Tags: #spirituality, #curses, #anxiety, #black-magic.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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Feelings First Shadow Work. A book by Benjy Sherer providing a simple approach to self love and emotional mastery (with journal prompots).

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