The Feedback Loop of Anxiety.

The word 'anxiety' actually describes 3 separate symptoms and the subconscious cycle happening between them.

For anyone struggling with anxiety:


If you're looking to make huge shifts with this and start experiencing real relief in the next 5 days, I have a 5 day challenge that can help you get there. And if you continue to practice the skills and tools you learn there, you can absolutely conquer your anxiety for good.


Let me explain a little bit...


There's a looping subconscious cycle that perpetuates our anxiety and prevents it from ever dissipating. Anxiety actually consists of 3 separate pieces of the puzzle.


There's the cycling negative thoughts and constant worry about how everything can go wrong in our lives... as well as any negative stories you tell about yourself and all of that. Basically, the ongoing looping doom calculus in your head..


Then there's also the constant feeling of dread or far. Just a constant overarching emotion of being unsafe.


Then there's the physical elements of it... the turning feeling in our stomach, the tightness in our chest, etc... Everyone experiences it a little differently. And some people are even so stuck in their thoughts and so blokced off from their bodies that they don't even notice it... but it's there.


The thing is, those 3 elements are stuck in this looping cycle that keeps this whole thing going.   The turning feeling and physical sensations... those are actually just your body's way of processing emotional energy. It's uncomfortable, sure. But it's not a threat.


And feeling through that discomfort (without fear) is what needs to happen for you to let go of the unresolved emotional energy that's underneath this whole issue (from all of the moments in your life where you stuffed away your emotions and ran from inner discomfort instead of processing it).


Since we don't realize that though, the uncomfortable sensations put us in a state of fear. And our mind, not liking the fact that we're experiencing this discomfort and not knowing what to do about it, keeps trying to attach meaning, thoughts and logic to that discomfort so that it can find a problem to solve. It believes that if it can find 'the problem', then it can find 'the solution'... so it starts with the cycling thoughts in an attempt to find the problem, even though the only real problem is the unresolved emotions.


So, the cycling thoughts continue to convince us that we are unsafe and they create more of the stress response in our body. The stress response creates more fear. The fear creates more thoughts. And around and around and around we go... All because we are afraid of and misinterpreting the uncomfortable feelings that come along with the ways that our body naturally purges unresolved emotions.


So, in order to conquer anxiety, we're going to need to stop that cycle. We need to learn how to properly handle each element of the cycle and how to stop being afraid of the discomfort that comes along with purging emotional energy. When we stop interpreting that as a sign of danger, we can finally allow the body to go through the purging process that it's been trying to go through, we can finally learn to feel safe, and we can build the strenght and emotional muscle to handle whatever the world throws at us without getting caught in that cycle again.


The 5 day challenge will lead you through this process.


First, we'll work on relaxing the nervous system and getting you out of the state of fight or flight.


Then we'll work on handling your cycling negative thoughts. We'll show you how to see through the illusion of them and how to confront them in a way that turns a momnt of fearful thinking and self loathing into a moment of genuine pride and self-love. Show you how to be proud of yourself for catching the negative thoughts, instead of judging yourself for having them and/or letting them convince you that there's a real problem.


Then we'll turn our attention to the emotions. That intangible sense of fear, and we'll show you how to feel safe even in moments of emotional distress.


Then we'll show you how to confront the sensations that come along with anxiety head on, how to not be afraid of them, how to relax your resistance around them, and how to actively help your body purge them.


When you put all of that together, then the cycle stops, there's nowhere for this anxious energy to run, and your body finally gets to start purging.


This mini-course is not a replacement for the full journey that we could do together... but if you really put these skills into practice, the results can be miraculous. The reason I created this challenge was so that those who can't afford to or aren't willing to go through the full coaching with me can still get the benefits of the powerful tools, skills and wisdom that I teach to my clients. I've taken some of the most important skills and exercises that my clients learn in my full coaching program and gave them to you here.


You can find the 5 day challenge over here:


If you choose to go through it - let me know how it goes.


Wishing you a lot of strength and love as you work your way through this.  <3

Tags: #anxiety, #subconscious-cycles, #defense-mechanisms, #emotional-mastery.

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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