Knowing is Half the Battle.

In order to heal trauma, anxiety, stress, fear, etc... we need to become the conscious observer of them.

For my fellow 80’s kids, you may remember that phrase “knowing is half the battle” from the GI Joe show, and it’s still applicable for us in our lives with this inner healing journey. Although, it might be more apt to say “awareness is half the battle.”



I cannot overstate just how important objective self-awareness is when we’re working through our struggles and challenges.



Creating a layer of separation between the version of us that experiences something and the version of us that notices us experiencing that thing can be the ultimate difference between continuing down a road of self-sabotage vs. turning onto a road of genuine healing and self-love.



Last night, for example, I was just drained. Completely exhausted for no particular reason that I can think of. And because my energy was through the floor, my mind was looking at everything in my life through a really nasty lens. All kinds of negative thoughts were coming up: self-judgment, worry, blame, doubt, etc. Things that I don’t generally believe or entertain in my head, but in that moment, my mind wanted to go in that direction.



If I wasn’t as aware as I am, then those thoughts would take over. I would believe them. I would invest myself in them and what they were telling me. And I would think more and more about them. I’d analyze them, justify them, and associate with them.



And if I did, it would perpetuate that cycle that I so often talk about between our thoughts, our emotions, and our sensations. A cycle that was trying to get going in that moment, and that it was up to me to stop.



You see, my energy levels in that moment were dictating my emotions. And my emotions (being low simply because I was exhausted) were trying to manipulate my thoughts. And if I wasn’t aware that this was happening, then I would have allowed those thoughts to make me even more afraid and to put me into a stress response. At which point the feedback loop would kick into high gear, sending me around and around in circles.



But instead, because I was aware and could see what was going on, I was able to more or less ignore the thoughts. I just put them to the side, reminding myself that I don’t really believe those things and that they are just my mind trying to make sense of how I feel in that moment. I reminded myself that all I need to do is wait out this feeling and that—once my energy was back up—I wouldn’t believe those thoughts anymore.



And that’s exactly what I did.



Now, it takes a lot of work to be able to develop that level of awareness in the moments when you’re feeling low and getting triggered. It’s easy for an outsider to see or it’s easy to see after the fact… but it takes a lot of healing and practice for you to be able to catch yourself while you’re in that storm.



And then, of course, that’s only half the battle...



You then need to learn what to do with the thoughts, emotions, and sensations in those moments to be able to turn your moments of emotional distress into moments of healing.



But the stronger you get with all of this, the more untriggerable you become, to the point where basically nothing can throw you off your game for too long.



If you want to learn to become untriggerable in the face of all the challenges that this world can throw at you, I’m here to guide you through that journey of self-mastery. It will take time, energy, and an investment in yourself, but every day of your life moving forward will be better because you did it.



Take the leap of faith towards a brighter future. Reach out and let’s get you moving.

Tags: #minfulness, #self-awareness, #triggers, #emotions

Photo of Benjy Sherer, Anxiety Coach. An emotional fitness trainer specializing in offering guaranteed relief from anixety, trauma, fear and more.

Benjy Sherer is a mental health coach and emotional fitness trainer specializing in anxiety and trauma healing. His approach is about bypassing the intellectual analysis of our past traumas and focusing instead on conquering the subconscious cycles that keep us stuck in fear and which prevent us from truly healing our pain.

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Feelings First Shadow Work. A book by Benjy Sherer providing a simple approach to self love and emotional mastery (with journal prompots).

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